Dear friends

I am honored to be nominated for the position of Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Fueled by coffee in the last few weeks, I've been zigzagging across the world listening to Member States hopes and concerns for the future of WHO. I thank all those I have met and who have supported my candidacy, in every region of the world. I feel energized that together we can create a new, more effective and efficient WHO for everyone around the world.

If Member States choose me to become the Director-General, I will ensure that I build a strong global team that restores the WHO reputation, accelerates reforms and delivers on it's mandate with the highest levels of transparency and accountability.

To support your decision, my Vision for WHO outlines 10 pledges that will ensure that the World Health Organization doesn’t just survive but that it thrives in the coming years. My Vision outlines the qualifications, experience, energy, and personal qualities necessary to deliver on my vision.

I am requesting in all humility that you choose me as your WHO Director-General. I am deeply committed to delivering on WHO's mission and ensuring that together we identify problems and fix them quickly.

Warm regards,


Recent Statements of Support

Sir George Alleyne, Director Emeritus of the Pan American Health Organization

Endorsement by Prof. Darwin Labarthe

Commentary on the future of WHO By Beatriz Champagne

Recent News

I kicked off my trip to the WHO PAHO region by meeting last month with President Bachelet of Chile, the first of many great meetings across the region where I learnt so much about the efforts being made to ensure that everyone has access to quality health services.

At the beautiful UNASUR headquarters in Ecuador on March 31, I met Member States from the South America region and put forward my vision for accelerating reform within the WHO.

While in Geneva, and meeting Member States from across all the WHO regions, I joined the other candidates for a great debate at the Graduate Institute on March 06.

On February 10, I joined fellow candidates for a discussion about the future of health and the role of WHO at the Science Po in Paris—France's prestigious 150 year-old international research university. There I also met with students, faculty and members of the civil society to talk about the challenges affecting low-, middle- and high-income countries.

Also in February, I returned to one my favorite global health conference, the Prince Mahidhol Award Conference in Bangkok to discuss and learn from countries that are making dramatic progress towards health for all.

Keep in Touch

To keep up with my campaign, follow me on Twitter @SaniaNishtar.


Website | Vision | CV | WHO Candidates Forum Video Statement | Video about candidature | Nishtar’s WHO candidate’s webpage
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