Towards the dream of universal social protection: lessons from Pakistan’s Ehsaas
Health can contribute to peace in the Eastern Mediterranean Region—what should be done to make it happen?
The EU must step up its actions and leadership on global health
Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019
Changing the narrative: responsibility for youth engagement is a two-way street
Mobilising society to implement solutions for non- communicable diseases
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)
Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems
Time for a new obesity narrative
A Key Component of Universal Health Coverage
Three global health- care quality reports in 2018.
Commissioners of the WHO Independent High-Level Commission on NCDs
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)
Nishtar S. The NCD Cooperative. The Lancet, 2017
Nishtar S, Gluckman P, Armstrong T. Ending childhood obesity: a time for action. Lancet 2016 Jan 22
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC).A century of trends in adult human height. 2016 Jul 26
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015
Nishtar S. Delivering the WHO we need. BMJ, May 19, 2017
Nishtar S. Will you support a patient-centred R&D agreement?
Nishtar S. Open letter to WHO DG candidates
Nishtar S, Chishtie F, Chishtie J, Malik M, Ehsan H, Qazi Y, Amjad S. Pak-India collaborations in health: insights and way forward. Glob Public Health. 2015;10(7):794-816
Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of The Rockefeller Foundation–Lancet Commission on planetary health
Ending childhood obesity: a multidimensional challenge
Health Care Coverage Decision Making in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Experiences from 25 Coverage Schemes
Reflections from my tenure as minister
Systems thinking for the post-2015 agenda
Health in the post-2015 agenda: three considerations in moving forward
Can human resources for health in the context of non-communicable disease control be a lever for health system changes?
Health and research in Pakistan – Authors’ reply
Pakistan’s health system: performance and prospects after the 18th Constitutional Amendment
Health reform in Pakistan: a call to action
Poliomyelitis in Pakistan: time for the Muslim world to step in
How to achieve international action on falsified and substandard medicines
Pakistan’s deadly cocktail of substandard drugs
Heartfile Health Financing: striving to Achieve Health Equity in Pakistan
Scaling Up Chronic Care Systems: Leveraging HIV Programs to Support Non-communicable Disease Services.
UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases: addressing four questions
Pakistan prepares to abolish Ministry of Health.
Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis
The Challenges of Scaling up.
H1N1 crisis in Pakistan—lessons learnt. NTS Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 4, 2010.
Protecting the poor against health impoverishment in Pakistan: proof of concept of the potential within innovative web and mobile phone technologies.
Prevention and management of chronic disease: a litmus test for health-systems strengthening in low-income and middle-income countries.
Implementing the district health system in the framework of primary health care in Pakistan: can the evolving reforms enhance the pace towards the Millennium Development Goals?
Impact of wealth status on health outcomes in Pakistan.
Corruption in health systems
The public-private niche in health — opportunities for the Friends of Democratic Pakistan.
Choked Pipes — Reforming Pakistan’s Mixed Health System
Pakistan, Politics and Polio.
Public stewardship of mixed health systems.
Mixed Health Systems Syndrome.
Synergizing health and population in Pakistan.
Pakistan’s Health Population Mantra.
Venice Statement on global health initiatives and health systems.
An assessment of interactions between global health initiatives and country health systems.
How important are health systems in the prevention of cardiovascular and other non-communicable diseases?
The Global Financial downturn—imperatives for the health sector.
Scaling up research and learning for health systems: time to act.
Framework for assessing governance of the health system in developing countries: Gateway to good governance.
BACK Pakistan’s health policy: appropriateness and relevance to women’s health needs.
Insulin resistance phenotypes and coronary artery disease in a native Pakistani cohort.
Investigating socio-economic-demographic determinants of tobacco use in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Integrating a new public health order
Time for a global partnership on Non-Communicable Diseases.
Public-Private Partnerships in the health sector – a call to action.
Waist circumference, metabolic syndrome and coronary artery disease in a Pakistani cohort.
Can non-physician health-care workers assess and manage cardiovascular risk in primary care?
Women and Heart Disease: time for change.
Health section – National Commission for Government Reform.
Community health promotion – a step further.
The Heartfile Lodhran CVD prevention project – end of project evaluation.
The WHO Director General election finale.
Pharmaceuticals – strategic considerations in health reforms in Pakistan.
Human resource solutions – the Gateway Paper proposed health reforms in Pakistan.
The Gateway Paper – proposed health reforms in Pakistan – interface considerations.
The Gateway Paper – health service delivery outside of the public sector in Pakistan.
The Gateway Paper – preventive and promotive programs in Pakistan and health reforms in Pakistan.
The Gateway Paper – public sector service delivery infrastructure and health reforms in Pakistan.
The Gateway Paper – financing health in Pakistan and its linkage with health reforms.
The Gateway Paper – stewardship and governance in the health sector in Pakistan.
The Gateway Paper – context and configuration of the proposed health reforms in Pakistan.
Health reforms in Pakistan-configuring health beyond the health sector.
Lessons in tackling chronic disease.
Diabetes prevention and control as part of the integrated Non-Communicable Disease strategy: the Pakistan approach.
Tobacco Control – an integral component of the National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan.
Heartfile’s Contribution to Health Systems Strengthening in Pakistan.
Global Consortium on Community Health Promotion.
Improving heart health in Europe.
Process, rationale, and interventions of Pakistan’s National Action Plan on Chronic Diseases.
A call for a gender specific approach to address the world-wide cardiovascular disease burden.
Integrated population-based surveillance of Non-Communicable Diseases the Pakistan model.
Impaired renal function and atherosclerosis in a Pakistani cohort.
Metabolic syndrome and risk of coronary heart disease in a Pakistani population.
World Heart Day 2000-2004 – A day that builds awareness and capacity.
Injury prevention and control: National Action Plan for NCD Prevention, Control and Health Promotion in Pakistan.
Prevention and control of cancers: National Action Plan for NCD Prevention, Control and Health Promotion in Pakistan.
Prevention and control of chronic chest diseases: National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan.
Tobacco control: National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan.
Diabetes prevention and control: National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan.
National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan – Cardiovascular diseases.
National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan–Common action area.
National Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases and Health Promotion in Pakistan–Prelude and finale.
Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases in Pakistan: an integrated partnership-based model.
Prevention and control of mental illnesses and mental health: National Action Plan for NCD Prevention, Control and Health Promotion in Pakistan.
Newspaper articles as a tool for cardiovascular prevention programs in a developing country.
Public-private partnerships in health – a global call to action.
The SAARC Seven – regional cooperation for sustainable health outcomes.
Smoking exposure in patients with and without angiographically coronary heart disease in a Pakistani population.
Information and communication technology in cardiovascular disease prevention in developing countries: Hype and Hope.
Low HDL and waist hip ratio predict the risk of coronary artery disease in Pakistanis.
Cardiovascular disease prevention in low-resource settings: lessons from the Heartfile experience in Pakistan.
World Heart Day: a World Heart Federation enterprise promoting the prevention of heart disease and stroke across the world. Circulation.
Coronary Heart Disease Prevention in South Asia.
The role of vitamins in coronary artery disease.
Diagnostic accuracy of spect scanning in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease using coronary angiography as a gold standard: A PIMS experience.
Lipid levels in Pakistanis overseas: lessons learnt.
Hypothyroid cardiomyopathy: a case report.
Frequency of left anterior descending artery disease occurrence: A PIMS experience.
Cardiac valvular involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Surviving ventricular rupture
Thrombogenicity of anticoagulants